This should work: Code :. Originally Posted by porter. Originally Posted by prowla. Delete only if duplicates found in each record. Hi, i have another problem. I have been trying to solve it by myself but failed. Parse ; deliminated variable to create variables. Hi there, would appreciate some help on this parsing problem if anybody can help im trying to parse a variable with the following output, each of the values im trying to parse are deliminated by a ; T I am working on a very simple program and I have been trying different things.
This is so far what I have done and there is one small detail that still does not work. It finds all the records in a phonebook per say:. Parse or cut concat variables to individual values. Hello I need to pass some environment parameters to a datastage job and am getting an error when trying to send the complete concatinated variable.
I have decided to parse out just the values and send as parameters but am struggling to find the best way to do this actually I am not very Want to parse output for variables in Bash. Trying to finish up my script that automates some video encoding work. Situation: There is an MKV file to be transcoded. Bash Script to read a file and parse each record. Sample: sample. This field contain s information like the user phone number, address, or full name of the user.
This field is used by the finger command to get information about the user. This shell is started when the user is log in to the system. Skip to content. Change Language. Related Articles. Table of Contents. Improve Article. Save Article. Like Article. Last Updated : 28 Jul, Serg, i am afraid the question is pretty ambiguous and your answer is not properly directed too.. KishorPawar All the common shells, such as bash , ksh , csh , dash - all those are interactive if you can type something with keyboard.
If you are using them for running a script, that's non-interactive. That's different question though. So every user who has some form of shell set up or like some of my users - blank those will be able to login and work interactively — Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.
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