It contains gag proteins, protease PR , pol protein, and env proteins. The group-specific antigen gag is a significant component of the viral capsid. It possesses two nucleic acid binding domains, including matrix MA and nucleocapsid NC. Protease is differently expressed in different viruses. During maturation of virion, it functions in proteolytic cleavages to produce mature gag and pol proteins.
Env proteins are responsible for the entry of virions into the host cell. Due to the functional copy of env gene retroviruses are distinct from retroelements. Retroviruses have a single-stranded RNA genome that transforms into a unique form of replication. After it has entered the host cell, a reverse transcriptase enzyme synthesizes a double-stranded DNA from the RNA genome of retroviral.
The copy of the DNA genome gets into the host genome inside the nucleus via an enzyme called integrase. As a result, the retroviral genome is transcribed into RNA whenever the host genome transcribes, allowing retrovirus to replicate. Step by step replication of a retrovirus. Retrovirus infects normal cells.
Viral RNA is introduced in the host cell. Reverse transcription takes place. Viral DNA produces reverse transcriptase. Genetic material enters the host cells nucleus. Viral DNA integrates into the host genome. Viral genes are transcribed and translated. Virus particles gathers and come out of host cell. A new virus can infect other cells. A second primer made in the opposite orientation downstream of the first primer is also present in the reaction.
This makes a copy that is complementary to the first synthesized strand. After one round of DNA synthesis, the reaction mixture is heated to melt the two strands apart, generating two templates that can be amplified further in the next round. The copies accumulate, round by round, exponentially, so that millions and millions of copies are generated to be studied using conventional approaches.
Because the enzymes and chemicals added to the reaction tube are relatively heat-resistant — "The heat sensitive enzymes are isolated from thermal resistant bacteria from hot springs," says Dr. Pease — the reaction can proceed in an automated fashion of heating, cooling and DNA synthesis. It only takes hours to complete the assay and get the results.
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It provides precision, reproducibility, and remarkable limits of detection on mul samples containing 10 to 10 g-atoms of metal, and is thus orders of magnitude more sensitive than other methods. The chromatographic fraction with highest enzymatic activity contains 1.