The above-mentioned elements work with each other and offer appreciable solutions to many complex programming problems. Read on below for the description of these items.
C ontainer is an object, which holds data of same type. While, there are multiple kinds of containers present. Some of them are general purpose, while others adapt some other containers to match an ADT. Such as, a list container includes the methods delete, insert, and merge for elements.
Similarly, each container defines its own set of functions separately. Iterators allows you to traverse through the elements of a container in almost the same way you use a pointer to traverse through the elements of an array. Algorithms acts upon the elements of the containers. They have the ability to initialize, sort, search, and transform the contents of the containers. It is important to note that the algorithms never change the size of a container. Moreover, some of the algorithms depends on external functions.
These objects, or the classes of such objects, are usually used to modify the behavior of a container or as arguments to STL algos. You might have used a function object to alter the hashing function of a hash table based container. Create account Log in. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views View Edit History. From cppreference. Containers library Sequence array. Run this code. STL has four components Algorithms Containers Functions Iterators Algorithms The header algorithm defines a collection of functions especially designed to be used on ranges of elements.
They act on containers and provide means for various operations for the contents of the containers. Skip to content. Change Language. Related Articles. Object Oriented Programming. Ordered associative containers—described earlier in this article—must have a public comparison operator defined. Some operations on containers might also require a public default constructor and a public equivalence operator. For example, the unordered associative containers require support for equality and hashing.
The elements of containers are accessed by using iterators. But in all these cases the functions assume the containers are the same length. If the second range is shorter than the first, then undefined behavior results.
If the second range is longer, results can still be incorrect because the comparison never continues past the end of the first range. These overloads enable you to compare containers with different lengths. These overloads are much less susceptible to user error, and are optimized to return false in constant time when containers of dissimilar lengths are compared. Therefore, we recommend you use these overloads unless you have a clear reason not to, or you're using a std::list container, which does not benefit from the dual-range optimizations.
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