A handbook on rich learning tasks

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Sign In. Teachers are encouraged to "Observe-Reflect-Respond," which is one way of responding to children's individual strengths and needs.

Furthermore, the Intentional Teaching Cards provide specific scaffolding strategies to support children at different levels of a developmental progression. This allows teachers to individualize learning experiences to meet children's strengths and needs. However, the curriculum does not offer any guidance on how to plan learning experiences that build on the interests of individual children. Learning experiences are pre-planned and there is no guidance on how to modify them based on individual children's interests.

Individualization Based on Strengths and Needs: Curiosity Corner provides minimal guidance on how to make learning experiences responsive to individual children's strengths and needs. Each Learning Lab includes a facilitation guide that contains questions that can be asked to engage children at any developmental level. However, the curriculum lacks guidance on how to modify most learning experiences e.

Individualization Based on Interests: Foundations for Learning states that the teacher's role is to set out a wide variety of materials in different learning centers throughout the day, setting the stage for children to discover, choose, and carry out activities that hold the greatest interest to them. Individualization Based on Strengths and Needs: The curriculum describes the importance of offering learning experiences that are responsive to children's strengths and needs. For example, Foundations for Learning explains that children have different ability levels, interests, learning styles, and backgrounds that impact how they learn, and children need a lot of activity choices with varying degrees of difficulty.

In addition, the curriculum suggests that small group activities are opportunities to individualize instruction. Even so, the curriculum lacks specific guidance on how to make learning experiences responsive to individual strengths and needs. For example, the "Positive Approaches for Preschool Learning" section of the Curriculum Guidebook suggests "teachers can differentiate interest centers by encouraging students to participate in those centers that address their particular interests, talents, or questions.

The curriculum promotes teachers' use of observation to document children's interests and to plan learning experiences. Even so, the curriculum provides no guidance on how to plan learning experiences based on individual children's interests.

For example, teachers input ongoing child assessment data into the G3 Assessment Scales , and the online system selects learning experiences based on the children's strengths and needs. Additionally, the curriculum provides general guidance on how to make the curriculum's learning experiences responsive to individual children's learning styles. For example, the Curriculum Guidebook suggests that teachers use scaffolding, such as language, hints, and visual aids, for children who need greater support.

The "Enrichment" sections of a few activity plans also include some individualization based on children's strengths and needs. For example, children who are able to duplicate an "AB" pattern are offered the opportunity to create their own patterns. However, further, specific guidance on how to make learning experiences responsive to individual strengths and needs is not embedded throughout the curriculum materials. Individualization Based on Interests: The HighScope approach emphasizes the importance of teachers observing for and planning based on children's interests.

Furthermore, the plan-do-review process, which is an integral part of the curriculum, allows for children to make choices daily to engage with materials and activities that are of interest to them. Individualization Based on Strengths and Needs: The HighScope approach emphasizes the importance of teachers observing, planning, and scaffolding based on children's developmental levels. For each KDI, the curriculum provides specific scaffolding strategies for children at various levels of development.

Individualization Based on Interests: The DLM Research and Professional Development Guide discusses the importance of child-initiated activities, but the curriculum does not offer guidance on how to plan learning experiences that build on individual children's interests. For example, "Differentiated Instruction" offers suggestions for modifications to activities based on children's strengths and needs e. Individualization Based on Interests: Frog Street Pre-K does not offer guidance on how to plan learning experiences that build on individual children's interests.

For example, Adaptations for Young Learners is designed for children who may need additional support before being introduced to the lessons in the Teacher Guides, such as younger children or children with disabilities or other special needs. This resource is arranged in the same thematic order as the core programs so the lessons may be used as scaffolds.

Additionally, the set of Resource Guides e. Finally, the Teacher Guides offer specific suggestions for modifying learning experiences for children with disabilities or other special needs and children who are DLLs. Individualization Based on Interests : Welcome to Frog Street Threes discusses the importance of following children's interests e.

Occasionally, the curriculum's learning activities or practice centers invite children to share their curiosities and wonderings. However, the curriculum does not offer guidance on how to plan learning experiences that build on individual children's interests. Learning experiences are preplanned and there is no guidance on how to modify them based on individual children's interests.

Individualization Based on Strengths and Needs : The curriculum provides a variety of strategies to make learning experiences responsive to individual children's strengths and needs.

For example, Welcome to Frog Street Threes describes the importance of differentiated instruction and some high-level strategies to promote it. The Teaching Guides offer specific suggestions for modifying learning experiences for children with disabilities and other special needs, as well as children who are DLLs.

Individualization Based on Interests : World of Wonders offers guidance on how to plan learning experiences that build on individual children's interests. Within the learning experiences themselves, teachers are prompted to learn from children if they have prior experiences with the topic. In addition, the curriculum includes templates for teachers to create their own mini-units based on children's interests.

Teachers are also invited to think about other thematic projects or about a center based on children's interest. Execute the plan, if required. Lupi, Elementary School. The orientation conducted by my practicum supervisor and the cooperating principal will ensure my success as a student intern. My Map Learning Episode Directions To get to know my cooperating school better, I must do the following: Read the vision, mission, goals and core values of school Attend the orientation session with my practicum supervisor and cooperating principal.

Record the important notes during the orientation Ask questions, if necessary. Read the vision, mission, goals and core values of school My Big Ideas Learning Essentials As a student intern, I need to know the following terms to fully understand my learning episodes. Orientation: the act or process of orienting or the state of being oriented. Expectations: a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future. Cooperating School: is a public elementary institution where student teachers will have their off- campus practice teaching.

Cooperating Principal: the person with the highest authority or most important position in an organization, institution, or group, particularly of the cooperating school. My Tasks Activities A. Name of Cooperating Principal: Jose L.

I should make sure I prepare myself every day. I should study my lessons in E advance. Give and take principle between I should make sure all the records of C cooperating teacher and student quizzes, attendance and performance teacher.

Pass the lesson plan on time I should spend my spare time doing my lesson plan. Through this, I can able to A practice more my lesson planning. I knew that students nowadays are visual learners. After my orientation session with my practicum supervisor and cooperating principal, I need to equip myself with Practice Teaching kit to better prepare myself in this wonderful world of teaching.

I will able to implement appropriate teaching methodologies and strategies. Knowledge Adapting to the existing curriculum. Utilizing and maximizing appropriate instructional materials. Promoting HOTS questions. Giving psychomotor activities. Skills Giving activities that will impel students to show their talents such as dancing, singing and acting.

Promoting activities that will make students to go out from their comfort zone. Advising students with regards to problems that Attitudes affect their focus in studying. Self-reflection Relating lesson in real-life situation. Motivating students to participate in the class. Knowing their family backgrounds Habits Analyzing their attitudes Promoting good values Monitoring their habits My Analysis Complete the structured frame.

Orientation sessions are conducted because they provide an opportunity to answer questions and define roles, assess skill level and experience, set expectations, and anticipate head off problems. They are also conducted in order to ensure the orderly transition of moods, behaviors, and to size up the needs of the new environment as well as my clients. Orientation sessions give background to pre-service teacher to what is and what is not, to how and to why a certain rule needs to enact.

I need to follow the policies and procedures of the cooperating school so that it will never affect the good relationship of both institutions: my cooperating school and CapSU TEI.

Also, our cooperating school will continue accepting more practice teachers in the succeeding years, making CapSU-TED to produce more professional teachers. How did I feel after the orientation? Complete the empty face and explain why you felt that way?

I need to follow the policies and procedures of the cooperating school so that our cooperating school, Bulawan Sr. Elementary School, will continue accepting more practice teachers in the succeeding years, making CapSU-TED to produce more professional teachers.

Policies is also important in propelling good rapport with the school personnel. Making friend with people at the is a pleasure. It somehow emphasizes that being a student teacher is not just about teacher but it is also about having friend which you would never forget in your whole life. Am I really prepared to teach? Why not? Yes, I am prepared to teach, as far as my knowledge is concerned.

This is because the knowledge and skills I acquired at my college is more than enough. Moreover, it is time for me to practice what I have learned in the classroom.

However, emotionally speaking, I am not yet ready to face students in different attitudes and characters. I still need to observe, adjust and get to know my workplace better. Peter Baptist College Foundation there is no reason why I am not prepared to teach.

We were already trained so much to be a good teacher, and for me I am already ready to teach and also to touch the lives of my students. To make sure that they are motivated while they were in school.

Being prepared and ready is not just enough, but my willingness also pushes me to continue. Willing is one of the profound reason in teaching because willingness emanates good teaching performance. There is a need to have orientation sessions to: I. Establish the right atmosphere II. Formulate guidelines to follow III. Develop good relationships A. I only B. I and II C.

I, II and II 2. To have better relationships with the school community B. To ensure the completion of the required units C. To complete the requirements set by school 3. Meeting the expectations of the Teacher Education Institution is important: A. To have better relationship between the Teacher Education Institution and the cooperating school B. To ensure completion of the course C.

To fully attain the objectives set forth by the College D. My Assessment How did I perform in this learning episode? Arnold B.

You have what it takes to be a good teacher; keep it up, Arnel! My Expectations Likewise, I also have my expectations that I need to convey to cooperating teacher in order that my needs are also met and understand.

I am expecting my cooperating teacher will also work hand-in-hand with me with a goal that we need our learners to learn. I am also foreseeing that she will really cooperative in such a way that they will guide me suggestion in planning my lesson, provide feedbacks so as to improve my weaknesses and maintain my strengths in teaching, give me opportunity to explore and discover other strategies for our learners.

Prepare simple drills and activities so that the students will not get bored. Use other references Give students praises when answering the questions. Choose any three 3 significant characteristics and why you need to know to emulate these virtues.

Personal Characteristics Why you need to emulate these virtues? To produce a quality of works. To ensure that I have a good values in dealing with different personnel. To be morally and socially equipped. He was willing to help me and was very approachable. He immediately handed us reference books and some inspiring words for us to go on. Some of them was smiling at me, and some of them staring at me blankly.

Check one and explain. I am ready for the teaching profession. Yes, I am ready for teaching profession but I should overcome my apprehensions first to boost my confidence and self-esteem—I believe that these are the fundamentals of teaching. Fears would never hinder me to attain such goals. Better rapport and harmonious relationship B. The development of learning materials D. The establishments of classroom routines 2. Why do I need to consult my cooperating teacher at all times? For better delivery of the lessons B.

To select the best materials, activities and strategies C. For better unity and cooperation D. To avoid quarrels and misunderstanding 3. How can I establish and maintain cordial relationships with my cooperating teacher? Maintain professional relations all the time. It showcases the different facilities and learning resources of my cooperating school.


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