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Hide this message. Home Business and industry Business regulation Consumer rights and issues. Licence Premises licence England and Wales. Annual fees Annual fees are payable by the holders of all premises licences and club premises certificates. Up to Licensing.
Notification of intention by licence holder to make available up to 2 gaming machines on premises which hold on-premises alcohol licence. Application for a Gaming Machine Permit more than 2 machines on premises which hold on-premises alcohol licence. Annual fee for a Gaming Machine Permit more than 2 machines on premises which hold on-premises alcohol licence. Application to vary a Gaming Machine Permit more than 2 machines on premises which hold on-premises alcohol licence.
Application to transfer a Gaming Machine Permit more than 2 machines on premises which hold on-premises alcohol licence. Change of name on a Gaming Machine Permit more than 2 machines on premises which hold on-premises alcohol licence. Copy of a Gaming Machine Permit more than 2 machines on premises which hold on-premises alcohol licence.
Application to disapply requirement for a designated premises supervisor DPS in a community premises no fee if submitted with new or variation application. Application for copy of licence or summary on theft etc. Notification of changes of name and address of premises licence holder, designated premises supervisor or registered club or club rules.
How to apply for a new premises licence to carry out licensable activities. How to change the designated premises supervisor DPS on an existing licence and information about the role of the DPS. How to apply for a variation to an existing premises licence , such as extending current activities, adding new activities, or making significant changes to the plans of the premises.
How to apply for a minor variation to an existing premises licence , such as small adjustments to licensing hours or to alter the layout of the premises. How to transfer an existing premises licence from one licence holder to another. How to apply for an interim authority notice. A premises licence will lapse of the death, incapacity or insolvency of the holder. This notice allows the premises licence to continue for three months. How to notify us of your legal interest in a property.
How to notify us of minor changes to an existing licence , such as a change in the name of the premises or changes to a licence holders address. Rubbish and recycling. Roads and transport.
Schools and admissions. Street care and cleaning. Jobs and careers. Home Business and licensing Licensing Alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment. Alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment licences. The Licensing Act Under the Licensing Act an authorisation is required when you provide or offer licensable activities. Licensable activities are defined as: The sale or supply of alcohol The provision of regulated entertainment The provision of late night refreshment The sale or supply of alcohol includes both on-sales pubs, bars, restaurants , and off-sales off-licences, supermarkets, convenience stores as well as registered clubs where alcohol is supplied.
The provision of regulated entertainment is defined as any of the following activities that takes place in the presence of an audience for the entertainment of that audience and are provided with a view to profit: Boxing or wrestling this does not include Greco-Roman or Freestyle wrestling An exhibition of a film this does not include live feed television i.
Permissions under the Licensing Act Temporary Event Notices A Temporary Event Notice can be used to authorise small-scale events on a one-off or occasional basis involving no more than persons. Premises Licences A Premises Licence is a permanent licence, granted in respect of a specific location, which authorises the licence holder to carry on any of the above mentioned licensable activities.
Personal Licences A Personal Licence authorises individuals to supervise the sale of alcohol where a premises licence is in force. Club Premises Certificates A Club Premises Certificate is a specific type of licence, only available to members clubs. Key Measures in the Licensing Act Licensing Objectives The Licensing Act requires the Licensing Authority to uphold four equally important licensing objectives when carrying out it's licensing functions, these are: The prevention of crime and disorder: for example drug-related problems, disorder, drunkenness and antisocial behaviour Public safety: the physical safety of people using the venue The prevention of public nuisance: for example noise from music, litter and light pollution The protection of children from harm: including moral, psychological and physical harm Raising representations or seeking a review Residents, businesses and legal authorities for example the police or the councils noise team are able to raise representations for or against new applications and applications to vary premises licence and club premises certificates.