Balloon party games for toddlers

At a start signal, they all try to move the balloon in their midst upwards over their heads as quickly as possible. The first team of three to do this wins. The children divide into teams of equal size.

Each team gets a balloon. The first player takes a deep breath and blows into it. Now he has to pass the balloon to the second player, who is also only allowed to blow into it once, and so on.

The main difficulty in this game is to pass the balloon so that as little collected air as possible escapes from it. The team whose balloon is the biggest wins. Tie 3 balloons of different sizes to the branch of a tree.

One after the other, the children are allowed to throw darts, small stones or chestnuts at them, with 3 throws per balloon. The largest balloon scores 1 point, the second largest 2 points and the smallest 3 points.

Whoever has the most points wins. If there is a tie in points, the winners of the first round compete against each other in a second round. Balloons filled with water are hung on a string, e. Two children at a time now form a unicorn. One of them takes the other one on his shoulders and he puts on a prepared helmet e. Each team of 2 now has 2 minutes to pop as many of the water balloons as possible. The children get together in pairs and wedge a balloon between them at chest height.

They must not hold the balloon with their hands. Now music is played, e. If a balloon falls or bursts, the couple is eliminated. The couple that is left at the end is the winner. To vary, different rounds with different music can also be played here.

Who will be the first to pop their balloon by just blowing it up? Who can blow up their balloon the biggest in 5 breaths? Each player bends over a bucket of water and dips the uninflated balloon into it, holding the mouthpiece. At a start signal, the child now inflates the balloon as quickly as possible. Either until the water spills over or until the balloon bursts. Which happens first depends on the size of the balloon and the water bucket. Two teams compete against each other. Each team is given uninflated balloons in a team colour.

On a start signal, everyone must try to blow up as many balloons as possible and charge them electrostatically by rubbing them against their clothes or their own hair. The balloons are then hung on the wall or on a hanging piece of cloth. After a set time, e. One after the other, each child has to put on a jumper and then take it off again while holding a balloon in the air, which can only be done by tapping on it. Either the time is stopped for each child and whoever has taken the shortest time wins.

Or two teams with the same number of players compete against each other and the team that finishes first wins. All sorts of different shaped inflated balloons are lying around. Each child may now choose one and write their name on it or the game leader does this for pre-school children. You can also use balloon animals that the children can take home.

Now all the children are blindfolded and the balloons are shuffled. Each child has to find his or her balloon by feeling it. Of course, the children can also exchange balloons. Each child tries to draw as many stick figures as possible with a felt-tip pen on a balloon. Sounds easy? First team to capture the balloon wins. This game is even more fun when played at night with glow-in-the-dark balloons! A much less painful spin on the game that most schools have banned, water balloon dodge ball is a fun way to cool off on a hot day!

Before the party, fill up a few buckets full of water balloons. During the game, divide players into two sides of your yard and arm each side with a good supply of balloons. Last player standing wins! If you have a volleyball net handy, set that up in your backyard. If not, you can easily make one by follow the directions in the video below:. During the game, divide players into teams and set out a bucket of balloons to act as your volleyballs.

Before the party, blow up small balloons or use water balloons! You can use a pegboard if you have one handy. If not, just tape or glue several pieces of cardboard together to make a thicker board. Attach the balloons either with string through the pegs, or with a tack carefully stuck through the end that sticks out when you tie it what is that called? No clue! Before the party starts fix a cover just under the ceiling and cover it with balloons.

The cover could be as simple as a plastic tablecloth. Ensure that the cover as a pull cord on it. During the party, pull the cord and let the balloons fall. This will create a lot of excitement for the kids. Follow this easy tutorial to make one. Yet another version of playing the balloon in the air games is to use a pool noodle instead of hands. Blow up the balloons and place them together on the floor. The child with a balloon still attach to their ankle at the end is the winner.

Give each child a balloon to hold. Play some music and when the music stops, the child drops their balloon. They have to quickly find another balloon to pick up and hold. This game could simply be played as a fun scramble. If you want to have a winner, remove a balloon from play each time the music stops. When a child does not find a balloon they are out.

You will need to inflate balloons and tie them through the holes of a peg board. Stand up the peg board and have the kids stand behind a safety line. One at a time the kids can throw their darts at the balloons.

Give points to each of the balloons that are popped. Let each of the kids choose a colored balloon. Then simply let the kids decorate their balloons into balloon heads. They can use markers, stickers, glitter, pipe cleaners and what ever else you have on hand for some crafting fun. Kids are fascinated by balloons that turn into animals. Learn to create some easy balloons animals that you can make for the kids, or have a go at teaching them so the kids can make their own.

Simply add a glow stick inside a balloon and tie it. The easiest way to do this is to blow up the balloon first and then insert the glow stick before tying the balloon. You can use these glow stick balloons as decoration or just to have around for playing with at a party. Simply put, Balloons are FUN. They are a great party decoration and they are also perfect to be used to create some easy party games. The great thing about balloons is that you are also likely to have several just lying around in the cupboard.

So on those rainy days, all you simply need to do is grab some and enjoy as many of these balloon games as you wish. The kids will have so much fun and rainy day boredom will soon disappear.


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