Just paste your data in the form below, press the Base Encode button, and you'll get a base encoded string. Press a button — get base No ads, nonsense, or garbage.
Want to base58 decode? Use the Base58 Text Decoder! A base58 encoder can be useful if you're doing cross-browser testing. For example, if your web application supports various binary-to-text encoding schemes, including base58, then you can use this utility to write base58 unit tests for your application.
In practice, the base58 encoding is less often used in encoding binary data and is more often used in environments where information has to be confirmed with high precision. Please try enabling it if you encounter problems. Search PyPI Search. Latest version Released: Oct 30, Base58 and Base58Check implementation. Navigation Project description Release history Download files. Project links Homepage. Maintainers keis. Project description Project details Release history Download files Project description base58 Base58 and Base58Check implementation compatible with what is used by the bitcoin network.
Project details Project links Homepage. Download files Download the file for your platform. Files for base58, version 2.
Close Hashes for base File type Source. Python version None. Use the Base58 Text Encoder! A base58 decoder can be useful if you're doing cross-browser testing. For example, if you're working with text that needs to be spelled over the phone such as one-time passwords or complicated words , it's a smart idea to allow only the base58 characters in them. The base58 avoids non-alphanumeric characters and letters that are homoglyphs letters that appear identical or very similar when printed, such as "o", "O", and "0", or "1", "l", and "I".
You can use this utility to quickly write test cases for such data and make sure complicated words are correctly decoded from the base58 encoding. Additionally, you can use this utility to decode arbitrary base58 data. Looking for more web developer tools?