Actions Shares. No notes for slide. What is a Project? Projects is a temporary rather than permanent social systems or work systems that are constituted by teams within or across organizations to accomplish particular tasks under time constraints. Who are the Stakeholders of Project? Stakeholders are people or entities who have a say in implementation of the project and they get affected w. What is Procurement?
Procurement is the acquisition of goods, services or works from an outside external source. It is favorable that the goods, services or works are appropriate and that they are procured at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity, time, and location. What is the Requirement? What are the Methods for Procurement? What is a Tender? A written invitation sent to potential suppliers of a good or service to inform them about the information required for the buyer to choose among them.
Late Bids are not supposed to be entertained. Usually Following steps are followed: Step 1 : Introduction of the Participants and announcement of the Bidders. Followed by Attendance marking. He may be known as Project Coordinator or Project Manager. The Bid Evaluation- Technical -Score method The Bid Evaluation- -Weighted Score method Dear sir You are great With respect to you.
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These are some great information that you have shared here vendor offer review tbe vendor drawing review. These are some great vendor offer reviews TBE vendor drawing reviews that you have discussed here.
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To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Ethiopian tender practic. Eyob Ahmed. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. Past corruption cases shows that it is an area most vulnerable to corrupt manipulation and malpractice.
Any corruption in procurement would not only bring financial losses upon a company or an organization, but also adversely affect its reputation as a trustworthy partner for business. In such cases, it would be of great help to familiarize yourself with the existing tender guides and bid procedures. Accordingly this paper will present the existing tender and bidding practices in Ethiopia.
But before that, we should have to look at the meaning of tender. Tender is a means by which an organization invites suppliers to submit competitive offers for prices to render their services. There are different types of tenders practice in Ethiopia: Open tendering through which public bodies prepare the documents and follow the steps required for open tendering provided for in articles 22 — 51 of the procurement manual of the Ministry of Finance MoF.
The following steps should be followed when procuring under alternative methods of procurement, except where specifically provided for. Here, the Procurement Unit is responsible for the preparation and issue of the Bidding Document, but must obtain approval of the document from the Tender Committee, before issuing the document or publishing any Invitation to Bid Notice.
The second type of tendering practice is two-stage tendering which has three steps to be followed. The third type is known as restricted tendering.
This type of tendering practice is applied ; when public bodies engage in restricted tendering on the grounds referred to in article 16 a of the procurement manual of the MoF, it shall solicit tenders from all suppliers from whom the goods, construction or services to be procured are available; and when the public body engages in restricted tendering on the grounds referred to in article 16 b of the procurement manual of the MoF, it shall select suppliers from whom to solicit tenders in a non-discriminatory manner and it shall select a minimum of 3 suppliers from the approved suppliers list.
Accordingly, there is standard bidding document SBD at national level developed by the federal democratic republic of Ethiopia. It is also suitable for use under Restricted Tendering and hence show all the tendering practice undertaken in Ethiopia. Type and Scope of Contract This SBD is suitable for any scope of intended contract including simple supply and deliver contracts and those for supply, delivery, installation and commissioning.
Alternative specialized SBDs are available for the procurement of text books, health sector goods and IT systems. Selection of Bidders The method for selection of Bidders will depend on the procurement method being used and whether or not a pre-qualification has been conducted. Where Open Tendering is used without pre- qualification, the PE must publish an Invitation to Bid notice, so that bidding is open to all interested bidders.
A standard format, with guidance notes on its completion, is provided later in this User Guide. The notice must be published in at least one national newspaper of general circulation. Where tendering is international, the notice must also be published, in a newspaper using the same language as the notice and of sufficient circulation to attract foreign competition.
Notices should also be published on the internet, wherever possible. PEs should also ensure that bidding documents are finalized and approved before publishing the Invitation to Bid notice, to avoid any delays in the process. Synonymous terms are quotation review panel, bid review board or tender review committee, to name a few. Most procurement Legal and Regulatory Frameworks require it to be an ad-hoc body with at least three members knowledgeable in Procurement, with technical expertise in the specific item being procured and a representative of the user entity.
Prior to evaluation of bids, the evaluation criteria are predefined and included in the bidding documents. The bid evaluation panel evaluates bids based on the predefined criteria only and recommends award to the lowest responsive evaluated bid. Newbies to Public Procurement are usually confused when it comes to the difference between lowest responsive evaluated bid and lowest priced bid.
A lowest responsive evaluated bid , as the phrase suggests, is a bid that has been examined and determined to be responsive to formal qualification requirements, evaluated in detail, found to be compliant with pre-defined evaluation criteria, and found to have the lowest price after price evaluation and comparison farmbrazil.
On the other hand, the lowest priced bid is the bid with the lowest price read-out at the public bid opening event without being evaluated.
Therefore, the bid recommended for contract award may not necessarily be the bid with the lowest read-out price. Evaluation criteria are the standards against which bids are evaluated. Generally, evaluation criteria can be categorized into three categories including i mandatory criteria, ii weighted criteria and iii weighted criteria with mandatory elements UNDP,