Conduit box offset tool

Reason 2 for choosing a 30 degree offset is that the math is easy. Every offset angle has a specific mathematical multiplier that you use to achieve your result. You must stick to this multiplier when marking the distance between bends, if you want your offset to land exactly where it needs to.

See below for a list of multipliers:. There is nothing wrong with using a 10 degree or 60 degree offset, just know that the higher the angle of the offset 60 degrees for example , the steeper the offset will be. Conversely, the lower the offset angle 10 degrees , the more shallow the offset will be. Your first mark is wherever you want your first bend to start.

Your second mark will be 9. This will also be the place you bend your second bend. One thing to remember is, when bending offsets, always keep your bender facing the same direction for both bends.

A kick is a clever bend to know, and in reality it is simply a half-offset. Sometimes you are trying to clear an object immediately after a That is seriously all you do.

If you care about the aesthetics of your work, and as a professional you should, make sure that every measurement you make is the exact same, and that when you bend each, they are bent the exact same every time. I recommend marking several pipes at the same time, right next to each other, then bend each one at a time so you get the same results. Two, and this is not always possible, try to get all of your couplings side by side.

This keeps things looking beautiful the entire time. Lastly 3 is — Re-bend a conduit if you messed it up. Just go back and re-bend a new piece. Take pride in what you do my friend. Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions!

Thanks for watching! Klein Bubble Torpedo Level. If you are not an electrician, do not attempt any of the work you are seeing in these videos. I love your YouTube channel. Thank you so much for being passionate and down to earth.

Respect is earned with trade experience and knowledge and you sir contribute in many ways! Remember, the offset is calculated 'center to center'. Please let me hear from you. Send E-mail to Webmaster with questions or comments about this web site. Offset Bends.

Offsets Offset bends are used to move a run of conduit from one plane to another. The formula used to determine the center to center distance between bends is: The center to center dimensions of the bends is equal to the desired size of the offset times the cosecant of the angle used to make the bends.

Common angles and their cosecants. From here, we calculate the developed penetration Dp. At this point you would add this developed penetration to the difference between the ideal and measured tool Di, in the current example, is zero , the inside radius Rp , and then subtract 0.

In this example, the inside radius is 0. This gives you an approximate ram depth setting that you can use when setting up a job at the press brake, and it is generally valid up to 18 in. Note that 0. Also note that if you apply right-angle trigonometry, you will find that the tool is 0.

That 0. These formulas show that if you penetrate a 0. Moreover, if you work the optimal tool dimension Od formula, you will discover that all of the offset dimensions in Figure 12 could be produced in the same 0. This shows how you can produce different inside dimensions, angles, and radii with the same offset tooling set. Ultimately, if you consider all the application variables, including available tonnage, you will discover how valuable and time-saving offset tooling can be.

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