In an ideal world, you want to have a positive angle of attack, with a dynamic loft not too dissimilar to the basic loft on the driver at address; this will keep the spin loft in an efficient window. Hitting up on the ball, creating a positive angle of attack, should reduce the amount of spin you impart on the ball.
From there, set up as if the ball was in the middle of your stance, which will encourage you to hit up through impact. Nowadays, there are countless facilities equipped with launch monitors available for hire at a pretty affordable rate.
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We can query that database and create different buckets of target customers based on club dynamics or launch conditions. In the case of excessive spin, shifting the center of gravity forward can help. To assist golfers who hit with an open face, positioning more weight to the heel side of the head can help rotate the face to a more closed position on the downswing, squaring it to the swing path more effectively.
Golfers who create a lot of spin off the tee should also talk to two people: a PGA of America professional and a good clubfitter. Developing a swing that delivers the clubhead to the ball on an inside-to-out or square path with a positive attack angle or at least a less negative path will help reduce spin and increase distance.
Different shaft options, including stiffer-tipped shafts and heavier shafts, also can help reduce spin. Being equipped with an understanding of where excessive spin comes from, and working with a pro and a clubfitter, make it a lot easier to hit better drives. Club fitting , Drivers , Instruction , Equipment. Welcome to Golfweek's European Union Experience. Driver spin: The science behind the clubface.
Now we've actually got too much loft and too much spin. This is where the ball starts to balloon. It's climbing straight up in the air and we get a point where we there's too much loft, creating too much backspin, and the ball isn't going to go anywhere.
If we keep modifying these numbers we can find the optimal point - the point of maximum carry. In this example, that's at about When we stop it there and check the loft we see it's about This shows us that if you're swinging 95 miles an hour with an 8.
We have a launch angle of The ball is going to carry about yards - the exact yardage will vary slightly depending which software simulation you use - and at the bottom of the chart we see that we're going to get about 21 yards of roll. Shot B is the red one, where we hit down by a couple of degrees.
That shot launched very low, got lower spin because there was less dynamic loft at impact, and now we're only getting yards of carry. We do pick up a couple yards of roll, but two yards of roll obviously doesn't make up for losing 22 yards of carry.
Shot C shows what happens if we catch the ball severely on the upswing. Now we've told the software that we're going to launch the ball extremely high.
We've teed it super high, it's way up in our stance. That's going to give us a low spin rate. Now we can start to get a lot of distance. This shot gets yards of carry and 22 yards of roll on a typical PGA Tour-cut fairway. That's optimal. At this swing speed, the higher we can launch the ball the better because the ball will stay in the air longer.
Launch it higher for more carry distance and more roll. We've assumed that we hit the ball very solidly in the center of the club face for maximum ball speed.
We've assumed that we have a decent driver head that has max COR and a good center of gravity, and that it's all built up perfectly and doesn't cost you ball speed.
Let's take a look at shot D. When you hit the ball low on the face you lose a tremendous amount of ball speed. This software is showing a loss of about 13 miles an hour, which is pretty typical of what happens when you don't catch the sweet spot. Of course, lower ball speed is only part of it. Now you're also launching it low because there's not enough loft on that part of the club face to get any distance. To make matters worse, hitting it low gives us a lot of backspin, which also costs us a lot of distance.
Now you can start to see all the things that go on when you don't catch one flush. Why are you losing that distance?
Why aren't you getting optimal distance for your club head speed? We can start to see in the graph. The graph below shows those same shots. The top one is, obviously, the one we launched the highest. You can see that it maxes out, carrying farther and getting more overall distance. The lowest one is where we missed the sweet spot and lost a lot of ball speed and distance.
The bar chart below shows the total distance for each shot. The blue portion of each line is the carry, and the green portion is roll. The one that launched the highest is C on this chart. That's the If we don't hit that shot solidly, it ends up looking more like the last line on the chart - shot D.
That's where we hit too low on the face, causing too much spin and a low launch angle. You're not going to get the ball over the yard mark doing that.
The good news is that with that exact same golf swing - the exact same speed, the exact same everything - you have the potential to hit it almost 60 yards farther, just by changing your setup and catching the ball more on the upswing. And 60 yards is a dramatic difference. You're talking about going from playing the up tees and hitting a 3 wood or a 2 iron hybrid into a green, versus hitting an 8 or 9 iron into the green. It's a massive difference, and that's why it's so important that you start to gain an understanding of spin rates and launch angles, hitting the ball solidly and all these things we've been discussing in the Bomb Your Driver series.
Getting a club that feels comfortable in your hands - that you can swing properly and that doesn't require you to do a lot of work to get the proper launch numbers - will allow you to achieve more consistent drives.
Even if you have a driver setting that's pretty solid and you consistently hit solid shots, if you hit down on the ball and launch it too low, that's ball flight B. That's 30 yards short of your optimal shot. Catch that ball more on the upswing and you can pick up 30 yards. Again, we're talking three clubs into the green. You go from hitting a 6 iron to a pitching wedge, or a 6 iron to a 9 iron.
It's going to change the way you play the game. It's going to change your ability to score. If you've never gotten on a launch monitor before, you must.