This is a good book for first-time writers. Especially because it explains it to a kid in simple terms they can understand and gives examples. Everyone should have one. It is a great book to teach and have. Buy it. Good for kids. The State Standards provide a way to evaluate your students' performance. You are here Home Books Bookmark Sign up or login to use the bookmarking feature. Write One Student Handbook. Page Count:. Students learn to write through engaging activities in these welcoming sections in Write One : The Process of Writing helps your students plan, write, revise, check, and publish.
The Forms of Writing shows your students how to write descriptions, alphabet books, reports, poems, and much more. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Writers Inc , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Add this book to your favorite list ». Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. I've used this book to help teach writing, but don't hand it out as a textbook.
I've also used it through Sylvan. What makes them excellent is that these books break down writing into simple parts and use a lot of examples. The way the pages are formated with bold, graphics, and such also make them easy to use and not as intimidating as say Warriener's. They contain both grammar and direction on different types of writing.
Jan 17, Skinnypeterm rated it really liked it. I used this writing handbook in high school as was required. Still a useful guide when I need to get back to the basics in my writing. Mar 25, Andy rated it it was amazing Shelves: reference-and-tech. The plasticized cover of the ugly yellow old '89 version resists both Sprite and being hucked across the room in rage. But keep it handy and you will never be confused by a gerand, present participle or proper apostrification of either its or it's.
At least for the next 30 minutes This resourceful book has helped me through high school and college. I'm hanging on to it after all these years because it's a great reference to go back to for information.
I offered this book for sale at a recent home school book sale. Thankfully, it didn't sell because I really enjoyed using this with one of my daughters, and I like having it as a continued resource for myself. I always thought the target audience for the book was jr. I think a listing of the topics covered will give the best overview of what is included in this handbook: Section: The Process of Writi I offered this book for sale at a recent home school book sale. Thankfully, all of this information is provided in a clear, attractive format which is sprinkled throughout with humorous pictures, color, and many examples.
I recommend this to every beginning writer and for anyone who likes having a good reference to guide them in improving their writing. Mar 03, Sydney Parker rated it it was amazing. I loved this book when I was a kid! Dec 25, Christine rated it it was amazing Shelves: Jan 27, Nhu Luong rated it liked it. I think this book was written mainly for high school students due to its content and format.
It is well-organized, clear and easy to read. Download an order form or view our catalog. Request a Review Copy If you are a teacher or administrator and would like to review this program for use in your classroom or school, please complete this form. Write on Course is the perfect resource to help 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students become better writers, readers, test takers, and learners. It overflows with writing guidelines, models, checklists, tips, and much more.
The handbook has five major sections. If Write on Course looks familiar, you've probably used its predecessor: Write Source ! What's new in this edition? A free online teacher's guide provides teaching suggestions, models, minilessons, topic ideas, videos, digital downloads, and much more.
Also check out the Write on Course SkillsBooks , which teach punctuation, grammar, mechanics, usage, and spelling for Grade 6 , Grade 7 , and Grade 8.
To see how these components work together, download the Program Overview , which includes a 4-step process for getting started. Have used them for the past 22 years when they were with Houghton-Mifflin. The series is based upon the original Write Source books that have been very popular among homeschoolers in the past.
In another section of the guide are fully detailed lesson plans for classroom presentation. I love the way the timetable has direct links to the detailed lesson plans, so you have easy access when you want to use them but otherwise have only brief assignment information to view. These courses strongly align with the Common Core standards, including such skills as writing across the curriculum and answering test questions requiring close reading.
The State Standards provide a way to evaluate your students' performance. You are here Home Books Bookmark Sign up or login to use the bookmarking feature. Write on Course