Updates were not available for all devices. OS 5 devices were only. Linus tips. Volunteers have been collecting old Palm software, and many apps and games can be found on there even when the developers websites have long gone away.
Looking for a classic Palm OS game to start with? Why not try Bike or Die download here , or Warfare Incorporated download here! You can join us in several places:. You are here getting-started. Finally, the window below will appear.
As it says, all that remains is for you to perform a HotSync operation putting your Palm in the cradle and pushing the HotSync button ; once the HotSync is completed, the file or files you selected will be installed in your Palm.
Click on OK. Phone Fax email sales dataid. Y2K Information. Data Collection. Point of Sale. In HotSync Manager settings, navigate to the Connections tab. There you'll see a list of checkboxes for available connection types. Make sure the boxes for any connection types you will be using are checked. If you're using serial, you will also need to assign the COM port indicated in Step 2b. Once your connection settings are correct, click "Done" and HotSync Manager will minimize itself back to the system tray.
For devices running Palm OS 2. This can be done from the HotSync Manager Applications tab. Click "Done" to accept changes and HotSync Manager will minimize itself back to the system tray. You can now add any apps you want to install through the traditional Install menu in Palm Desktop and run HotSync without crashes!
Note that HotSync application settings are applied per-user account, so Package Installer will not be disabled for other devices synced to the same PC. You can always view other account settings from the dropdown box at the top of HotSync Manager.
With Palm Desktop installed and HotSync Manager configured to your connection type, you may now proceed. A window will appear prompting you to choose or create an account for your Palm, then begin transferring data. Now, if you're looking for things to install to your Palm device, why not browse PalmDB for some apps? PalmDB is proudly hosted by fans for fans and is not affiliated with the former Palm Computing company or its current rights holders in any official capacity.
While we are not able to provide official support, if you appreciate our efforts to keep Palm alive, please consider donating to PalmDB! PalmDB is supported by visitors like you. Thank you!
While there are many such devices on the market, this one has been tested and proven working for HotSync on Windows Serial-to-USB adapter on Amazon non-affiliate link Palm itself also released a licensed serial-to-USB adapter known as the "Palm Connect Kit", but this adapter is highly outdated and is unlikely to work with Windows You'll receive a prompt to launch HotSync, but don't do it just yet!
Instead, proceed to Step 3. Step 3: Install Palm Desktop This one's pretty straightforward. Step 5: HotSync! You just completed your first HotSync on Windows 10! Notice PalmDB is proudly hosted by fans for fans and is not affiliated with the former Palm Computing company or its current rights holders in any official capacity. Can't find it? Try Gingerbeardman's Palm app search engine!