Java.util.logging using a properties file

You can download the project from below link. I saw that each logger has a name that usually is the same of the class Logger. Something similar to spring boot that allows to set a different logging level for each package like this:. I found the examples useful. Just do some tailoring and they fits with my application.. However I cannot find the MyFilter class example code. Did I miss something? I forgot to put MyFilter code, I have added it now. Also you can download the Java Logging Example project now.

Very helpful buddy and great article. Keep going. I am already a follower of journaldev, and its really good for understanding programming concepts. Good article. I mean In which context we can use these? Properties file has the log file set as below: java.

Thanks for an informative tutorial pitched at exactly the right level; it tells you what to do without an excess of technical details. There are two available handlers in java logging API. Does anybody know how I can make the java.

I would like to specify that somehow in the logging. In all examples on the web I can find. Hi , I have one application which send email to multiple person email id.

It is a scheduler which automatically send email to all person upon a triggering event. I want to create a log file which will contain logs of email ids ,date on which mail has auto triggered. Advance thanks. You are getting confused with Formatter class in java.

The one we are extending is in java. Your email address will not be published. Download Java Logger Example Project. Next Java break statement, label. I have a stupid java logging problem: I'm loading the logging configuration from my app configuration file - but it just doesn't log anything after reading the file which looks pretty much like the examples you will find on the net except for the additional application configuration - removing this also doesn't help.

The "initializing What am I missing here? The Java prop file parser isn't all that smart, I'm not sure it'll handle this. But I'll go look at the docs again While I think more, note that you can use the methods in Properties to load and print a prop-file: it might be worth writing a minimal program to see what java thinks it reads in that file.

It won't compile. Make sure you're working with the class file you think you are. I have tried your code in above code don't use [preferences. Here is a running sample code. I have tried the sample code you have posted and it works fine after you specify the configuration file path logging. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. How to set up java logging using a properties file? Asked 12 years, 7 months ago. Active 3 months ago. Viewed k times. The Logger code looks like this The formatter supports the formatting of the LogRecord objects. By default, two formatters are available:. Of course, your application can use the basic logging API provided out of the box by Java via the java.

There is nothing wrong with that, but note that this will limit what you can do with your logs. Certain libraries provide easy to configure formatters, out-of-the-box industry standard destinations, and top-notch performance. If you wish to use one of those frameworks and you would also like to be able to switch the framework in the future, you should look at the abstraction layer on top of the logging APIs. It provides bindings for common logging frameworks such as Log4j , Logback , and the out-of-the-box java.

You can imagine the process of writing the log message in the following, simplified way:. But how would that look from the code perspective? For example, if we would like to just start our application and print something to the log it would look as follows:.

You can see that we initialize the static Logger class by using the class name. That way we can clearly identify where the log message comes from and we can reuse a single Logger for all the log messages that are generated by a given class. This time, things are a bit different. We use the LoggerFactory class to retrieve the logger for our class and we use a dedicated info method of the Logger object to write the log message using the INFO level.

Starting with SLF4J 2. So to finish up with the abstraction layer — it gives us a few major advantages compared to using the java. Hopefully, that sheds some light on what the log levels are and how you can use them in your application. When using the standard java. Everything that we need is already present in the JDK distribution so we can just jump on it and start including logging to our awesome application.

There are two ways we can include and configure logging using the java. To show you how to use the java. The code that generates the log and sets up our logging looks as follows:. We start with initializing the Logger for our UtilLoggingConfiguration class by using the name of the class. We also need to provide the name of our logging configuration. Because of that, I created a new file called logging.

That is enough to initialize the logging configuration and results in the following output:. Of course, you would only do the initialization once and not in each and every class.

Keep that in mind. In our case, this is the java. ConsoleHandler that prints the logs to the console. This allows us to provide the format of the log record. That is a very nice pattern, but it can be confusing if you see something like this for the first time.

The SimpleFormatter uses String. So for the INFO level, it will add 3 additional spaces. Now that should be clearer. The difference between this method and the one using a configuration file is this static block.

Instead of providing the location of the configuration file, we are creating a new instance of the ConsoleHandler and we override the formatMessage method that takes the LogRecord object as its argument. We provide the format, but we are not passing the same number of arguments to the String. The output of the above code looks as follows:. I wanted to show that setting up logging in Java can also be done programmatically, not only via configuration files.

However, in most cases, you will end up with a file that configures the logging part of your application. It is just more convenient to use, simpler to adjust, modify, and work with.

Now you know the basics about how to turn on logging in our Java application but with the complexity of the applications, the volume of the logs grows. You may get away with logging to a file and only using them when troubleshooting is needed, but working with huge amounts of data quickly becomes unmanageable and you should end up using a log management solution for log monitoring and centralization.

You can either go for an in-house solution based on the open-source software or use one of the products available on the market like Sematext Logs. A fully managed log centralization solution such as Sematext Logs will give you the freedom of not needing to manage yet another, usually quite complex, part of your infrastructure.

It will allow you to manage a plethora of sources for your logs. You can learn more about Sematext and how it stacks up against similar solutions from our reviews of the best log management software , log analysis tools , and cloud logging services available out there. You may want to include logs like JVM garbage collection logs in your managed log solution. After turning them on for your applications and systems working on the JVM you will want to have them in a single place for correlation, analysis , and to help you tune the garbage collection in the JVM instances.

Alert on logs, aggregate the data, save and re-run the queries, hook up your favorite incident management software. Read more tips about how to efficiently write Java logs from our blog post about Java logging best practices. Logging is invaluable when troubleshooting Java applications.


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