Ncaa basketball game for ps3 2012

I suggest putting this in the Rosters subsection, best of luck with future updates though! I checked them out and they looked really good. Even low to mid four star freshman are rated in the low 80s, which is the same rating as the experienced returning starters on their team have.

Thanks for your work. Hell Yesss, rosters are good dude keep doing your thing, everybody still playing this game check them out!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by Iizbeast23 can you please update this with all teams. Jeremiah TreyzAllDayz and tonybologna like this. BB code is On. Smilies are On. Trackbacks are Off. Pingbacks are Off. Refbacks are Off. All times are GMT The time now is AM. Top -. Albums Screenshots Videos. Communicate Friends Chalkboard. Personally, I think the rosters are fantastic. Sure, there are errors here and there, but I don't see anyone else taking the time to create basically from scratch 1,'s of players Thanks for all the great work.

Advertisements - Register to remove. Lace Up likes this. How come I cant get the lastest download? Does the link not work anymore? I just came across this thread and was really looking forward to playign this game with current rosters. I definitely appreaciate the hard work that went into creating this.

Quote: Originally Posted by gatordemps The most recent is December 19, you will receive an announcement and in the top you click and sends you the file, On Saturday I will update the rosters for the last time this season, with the midmajors and small conferences, only teams with winning record and ability to get to the tournament I wish you a happy new year.

Quote: Originally Posted by lakerfan85 Hey can you help me? When I click on the latest update an ad for adfly or something comes up.. TreyzAllDayz and Lace Up like this. Anybody got a suggestion?? When I go to load up the rosters on the game it keeps saying the data is corrupt..

Am I doing something wrong? You also spelled Grant's first name wrong. Last edited by built; at PM. Reason: Forgot to mention.


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