Make sure there are metal contacts in the terminals 1 and 4 of the DLC. Numbers on DLC are very small and difficult to read. Mine was numbered from right to left on bottom, or wide row. Straighten out a paper-clip. Place one end of paper clip into terminal 1 and bend the other end to insert into terminal 4.
Press the Lock button on the remote 3 times within 10 seconds. Most of Mitsubishi models made in the past 20 years are equipped with some sort of transponder security feature. Therefore, the key or remote will have to be programmed to start the car. Authorized keys may be added by programming those keys with a special programming machine that the dealer has or most automotive locksmiths. Either a locksmith or a dealer can program the key for you.
A locksmith can provide on-site service. However, we have gathered here for you a few important tips on how to save a lot of money in case you need a new key. Keep reading for more information. All Transponder transponder keys and remotes can only be programmed with special programming machine. Therefore, only a dealer or locksmith can program the keys for you. However, there is a way to make the process much cheaper and affordable.
Below, we will give you instructions on what is the best way to do that. Ensure constant contact between both metal contacts and the jumper wire at ALL times throughout this procedure. If these programming instructions helped save you time and money, please consider sharing our website with friends and family so they can do the same.
If you have any difficulties with programming your vehicles, contact us at [email protected]. No ifs, ands, or buts! Have a question for us? Upon successful programming, the door will lock and unlock once.
Repeat step 5 with up to 4 remotes including any existing remotes within one minute. After completing each programming, the doors will lock and unlock once. Disconnect the programming wire and remove the keys from the ignition. This site uses cookies.