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Question feed. Deployment Templates: Used to select the collection of clients that we want to update and some settings for these clients. Note that existing templates can be selected. Note that existing packages can be updated.
The package is now ready and installed on the distributionpoint and targeted for 2 clients. Software Updates — Software update point 6. WSUS 3. Software Distribution — The result 6. Software Distribution — Advertise Package 6. May Now we have a Software package containing a program that tell us how it should install , and we have a collection of clients that we want to install the software package on.
Select the Pakcage, Program and Collection. Let the rest of the settings be default. Software Distribution — Create Collection 6. May The Package is ready for distribution. Software Distribution — Create Package 6. May Package to distribute Later we will study log-files. Like this: Like Loading Can you send it to me please? Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Some of our technicians do not click to update the distribution points at night after approving updates, and it is automatically rolling the updates out the next morning.
All of the data going out is killing our connections, and we are unable to distribute any QoS configurations as a result of political arguments over what packets will take precedence. Yes, seriously. We converted our remote sites to branch distribution points.
This is the sort of scenario that BDPs are really intended for: remote sites with limited bandwidth. The branches update from a standard distribution point by using BITS. We can set BITS to throttle during business hours and then allow free roam after hours.
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