Teuflesberg update

I can understand if you dont want to post here. Hello Irishman, great stuff you discover! YES, it's a bout Science, about discovering things, making them your own, digging in history etc. We would appreciate an answer today friday to make first decisions. Cheers mate! Last week it took place a kind a "rave" inside There was also some guys guarding all along the enclousure and repearing any kind of little whole in the fance.

We are intrigued with this situation as well Thanks for the posts!! Some days ago we went with some friends to Teufelsberg. We didn't actually know there was a tour going on. So we went through a hole just because we dind't want to walk until the main entrance.

We spended almost 2 hours there. As we were leaving one young german guy "found us" and told us it was forbidden to be there. He was really nice telling us he hated his job. We really understood and were actually willing to make the tour some other day because the place was quite interesting.

So we were going out to the main entrance and as we got there they dind't let us out. The "nice german guy" told us they had called the police and that we will have to pay euros for this, and that there were going to be consecuences.

We really thought it was a joke or something. The security guy was standing on the door, screaming that the police was coming and acting really aggresive. We were asking them what was going on, that they couldn't keep us trapped there, he started shouting that we shouldn't make him act more aggresive. We were really scared, also because there was no explanations, no one who look normal and quiet to talk to.

So we decided to go back to where we came in to go out, because nothing of that made sense to us. So we decided to stay there and wait. We told them that we wanted to stay there and wait for the police but they wanteed for us to go to the main entrance, which was just ten meters away.

They started to asked us where we were from, while another guy that was there told something like "dont ask that, they dont understand they are sutpid" words like AUSLANDER, Arschloch, came from their mouth.

They were not only insulting us, they were humilliating us. And the worse thing is that he stoped pushing me when he saw the police was coming. As we saw the police we coulnd't be happier. We wanted to charge them, but it seemed you have to have bruises to do that. Won at 3 Woody Stephens S gr. LeComte S gr. Blood-Horse Stallion Register.

Please call us at if we can help you with your thoroughbred venture. Further information May , we had to close down the viewing platform due to missing fire safety regulation implementation. We were threatened with a fine of In December , we obtained the building allowance.

Unfortunately, Corona slowed us down immensely in the implementation works. In June , we finished the implementation works and the platform is open again. Teufelsberg Berlin is a private property. The CEO is Dr. IGTB is receiving parts of the entrance fees to maintain the buildings, e. Essentially, the MSM is a small team of Teufelsberg fans, who work to keep "the Berg" going day-by-day.

We produce and organize large art projects, keep the site clean and safe, pay taxes, build bars, sell tickets, get annoyed with regulations, while making sure our visitors have a fascinating, weird, fun and awesome day at Teufelsberg Berlin. Top Stories. Kentucky Derby scouting report: 30 Midwest horses to watch The Midwest contenders for the th running of th These are the 3 best Derby prospects not trained by Baffert If this was a normal year, one might look at train Best of the Blogs.

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